Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Powerfully Artful

After having polished off a delightful dinner alfresco with comrades at Joya the other night, sacredmao planned to retire in front of a friend's television to take in some media opium for the masses. What caught mao's eye was the promise of an ongoing series on art in its most emotional form--specifically, "The Power of Art" by esteemed SuperDon, Simon Schama.

It must be known, the sacredmao purchased this invigorating read a number of months ago with a Barnes&Noble family card.

Nonetheless, the opus has maintained a privileged spot on the sacredmao bookcase and has been shown with great pride to guests and comrades...and gloved-hands for the unwashed...of course...

The beauty of the cover in it's simplicity in one of mao's favorite colors, red, as well as the clean font can best be appreciated in the living realm...the reproductions are lush, visceral and CBE Schama writes of the power of the artists and their work with passion, intelligence, humor and empathy... that frankly.. is heartbreaking.

To find this book translated to a series, developed by the BBC and shown on public television--what more could mao ask for as a perfect bedtime story?

A few of the stellar artists in this literary accomplishment include Carravaggio, David, Rembrandt, Rothko and so much more. The artists and their masterpieces, as presented by Schama, stops time, fills a hole in one's soul and opens a room in the house of one's heart.


Moreover, sacredmao had the pleasure of hearing and seeing Maestro Schama read and discuss "The Power of Art" to a captive audience at The Strand on Monday evening. It was recorded by FORA.TV and will soon become available for your viewing pleasure.

In the meantime, mao asks for you to consider further enlightenment to "The Power of Art" and The World of Simon Schama.

Best enjoyed over an icy mojito--


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